Prevod: God of Earth and Sky and Sea composed by J. Paul Williams and Margaret R. Tucker. Zbor note. Za zborovsko. DRŽAVE.
Prevod: one basic homiletical theme is uniting with one voice to praise the Sovereign of heaven and earth. Trobenta notno B-Flat. Zbor note.
Prevod: The music fades and we are left with a feeling of warmth and peace on earth. Zbor note. Za zborovsko. SATB. Glory Sound. 20 strani.
Prevod: Dal bom navdušen, Hvala. Dal bom navdušen, Hvala, sestavljene z J. Paul Williams in Michael Barrett. Zbor note. Za zborovsko.
Prevod: Bog čudes sestavljajo J. Paul Williams in Joseph M. Martin. Zbor note. Za zborovsko. SSA. Harold Flammer. 16 strani.
Prevod: How Many Are Your Works composed by J. Paul Williams and Courtney Paige. Zbor note. Za zborovsko. SATB. Shawnee Press.
Prevod: Zaradi ljubezni. Zaradi ljubezni sestavljajo J. Paul Williams in Lannyjem Allen. Zbor note. Urejen Larry Mayfield. SATB.
Prevod: Bog nas je izvolil. Bog izbral nas sestavljajo J. Paul Williams in Joseph M. Martin. Zbor note. Urejene po Brant Adams. SATB.
Prevod: Ležijo Rahlo Gentle Zemljo. Lie Rahlo Gentle Zemljo sestavljeno Paul Chihara. Cappella note. Za SATB pevske a cappella. Ocena.
Prevod: Earth, Wind. Earth, Wind. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Kitara note.
Prevod: Bas kitara note. If you're familiar with th. DVD. Izdala EMedia Glasba.
Prevod: Arranged by the composer for tuba virtuoso Les Neish, Les recorded ‘My Mountain Top’ on his CD entitled ‘Salt of the Earth’,.
Prevod: Tribute to John Williams. Tribute to John Williams. Ki ga sestavljajo John Williams. Uredil Paul Lavender.
Prevod: Dogodivščine na Zemlji. Ki ga sestavljajo John Williams. Uredil Paul Lavender. od E.T. Extra-Terrestrial. Stopnje 5.
Prevod: Akustična kitara note. Guitar tablature note. Pesmi za gojenje zbora. Studiotrax CD. Glory Sound Preprosto Sacred. Samo CD. HL.35028754.
Prevod: Bog nas je izvolil. Bog izbral nas sestavljajo J. Paul Williams in Joseph M. Martin. Zbor note. Urejene po Brant Adams. Ocena.
Prevod: Poučevanje glasbe preko Uspešnost v srednji šoli Band. Teaching Music through Performance in Middle School Band educational.