Prevod: Dobro ol 'Songs. Dekle, ki sem Left Behind Me. Hail, Hail, banda All Here. Poor Butterfly. Various. Voice note.
Prevod: S temi rokami. S temi rokami. Butterflies are Free. Elegy for left hand alone. Piano Solo note. Napredno.
Prevod: Poor Butterfly. Dekle I Left Behind Me. William Bay. Ukulele note. Začetek. Soprano. Popolna vezava, Metode. Vse Styles.
Prevod: E-Z Играть Сегодня. I Left My Heart V San Franciscu. Killing Me Softly s svojo pesmijo. That Old Black Magic. Various.
Prevod: Poor Butterfly. Mornarji Hornpipe. Samo Closer Walk s teboj. Dekle, ki sem Left Behind Me. Various. Easy Piano note.
Prevod: Poor Butterfly. Dekle I Left Behind Me. William Bay. Ukulele note. Začetek. Soprano. Squareback-sedlo žico, Metode.
Prevod: Dekle I Left Behind Me. Poor Butterfly. William Bay. Ukulele note. Začetek. Soprano. Squareback-sedlo žico, Metode.
Prevod: Fake Book svetovnih najljubših pesmi - C Instrumenti - 4. izdaja. Dol s postaje. Piti k meni Samo s svojimi očmi.
Prevod: Hail, Hail, banda All Here. Back Home Again v Indiani. Poor Butterfly. Mornarji Hornpipe. Dekle, ki sem Left Behind Me.
Prevod: Bistvene tehnike za mandolino. Chris Thile. Mandolin note. Bistvene tehnike za mandolino. Chris Thile. Za Mandolin.
Prevod: Mandolin Metoda Complete. Tema od Invention številka 4 --- J.S. Bach BWV 775. Butterfly. Variacija s prehodom Toni.
Prevod: Top 300 Contemporary Christian Songs. Lord Of All. All Over The World. Butterfly Kisses. Through It All.
Prevod: Real Book Zvezek III - Second Edition - CD-ROM. All the Way. Fine in Mellow. That Old Black Magic. S.O.S.
Prevod: Real Book - Volume II - Mini Edition. S.O.S. All The Way. Morda s, s Morda, morda s.
Prevod: Real Book - Zvezek III - Mini Edition. All The Way. Hit That Mess. I Left My Heart V San Franciscu.
Prevod: Real Blues Knjiga. Butterfly Blues. Gambler's Blues. Various. C Instrument note. Klavir note. Real Blues Knjiga.
Prevod: Real Book - zvezek 3. S.O.S. All The Way. I Left My Heart V San Franciscu. Poor Butterfly.