Prevod: Črne vode z Doobie Brothers. The Doobie Brothers - Kaj so nekoč razvad so zdaj navade. Easy Piano. Načrt.
Prevod: Črne vode z Doobie Brothers. The Doobie Brothers - Kaj so nekoč razvad so zdaj navade. Načrt. Vocal.
Prevod: s The Doobie Brothers za kitaro solo. verodostojna tablature.
Prevod: By The Doobie Brothers. Black Water. Black Water. Guitar tablature note. Za kitaro.
Prevod: Best of Doobie Brothers. Best of Doobie Brothers ga The Doobie Brothers. Voice note. Vocal.
Prevod: Ultimate Song Strani. The Doobie Brothers. The Eagles. The Rolling Stones. Black Water.
Prevod: Rock Guitar Songbook - Zvezek 1. The Doobie Brothers. The Rolling Stones. The Small Faces.
Prevod: Billboard Hot 100. 1970s - 1980s. The Doobie Brothers. Most čez Troubled Water. Man In The Mirror.
Prevod: Doobie Brothers, ki jih Doobie Brothers. Electric Guitar note. Guitar tablature note. Vmesna. Za kitaro.
Prevod: V Boomer je knjiga Classic Rock Guitar - 70-ih - '80s. God Save The Queen. Over The Hills In Far Away. Into The Mystic.
Prevod: Complete Idiot Vodnik za igranje akustična kitara. Black Water. The Doobie Brothers.
Prevod: Ultimate Rock Pop Fake Book. Total Eclipse of the Heart. Black Hole Sun. The Tracks of My Tears.