Prevod: Pohvale. Jaz sem njegova in on je Mine. Pojdi Povej It On the Mountain. Ride On, Ride On, O Odrešenik-King.
Prevod: Hvalnice za družino Boga. On Pearly Gates bo odprta. On Giveth Več Grace. On Hideth My Soul. On je Gospod.
Prevod: Rise Up Petje. Gentle Song. Pojdi Povej It On the Mountain. On ni Heavy On My Brother. On ima cel svet,.
Prevod: Himna Fake Book - C Edition. On Hideth My Soul. Breathe On Me, Breath Of God. On Vodil me. On Me Lifted.
Prevod: Rise Up Petje - Skupina Petje Songbook. Gentle Song. Pojdi Povej It On the Mountain. On ni Heavy On My Brother.