Prevod: Vključuje pesmi včeraj in danes, od Broadwayu za rock 'n' roll. Bennie in Jets. Walk on the Wild Side.
Prevod: Ultimate Fake Book - Bb Instruments. B-Flat Instrument note. Standardi, Vokalna Standardi in Pop. Težavnost.
Prevod: E-Flat Instrument note. Beauty and the Beast. Srce in duša. Oglejmo Fall in Love. Ljubezen in poroka.
Prevod: Ultimate Fake Book - 5th Edition. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. C Instrument note. Organski note.
Prevod: Ultimate Država Fake Book - 5th Edition. C Instrument note. Klavir note. All The Time. Angel Of The Morning.
Prevod: Electric Guitar note. Klavir note. Vokalna melodija, lyrics, tetiva imena in kitara struna vodnik.
Prevod: Sodobna Christian. C Instrument note. Klavir note. Vokalna melodija, lyrics, tetiva imena in kitara struna diagrami.
Prevod: C Instrument note. Klavir note. Vokalna melodija, besedilo in imena tetiva. Lily Of The Valley.
Prevod: Kitara note. Hej, Good Lookin '. in bolj. The Blues Come Around. Hej, Good Lookin '.
Prevod: Cat Stevens - Little Black Songbook. Akustična kitara note. Come On in ples. Oče in sin. God Is The Light.
Prevod: Frank Sinatra - Bolj pogumno. Voice note. Klavir note. Dnevi vina in vrtnic. Fly Me to the Moon. in bolj.