Prevod: Umetnik Winter Night. Umetnik Winter Night sestavljajo Vicki Tucker Courtney. Jack Frost artist. Zbor note.
Prevod: Ameriški Koncert klavirske glasbe. Tri skladbe, op 28 - Dance of the Flowers. Summer Dreams, op. 47 - The pecivo.
Prevod: Več kot 200 irske Pesmi in plesi. Behind The Bush na vrtu. Svitanje Of The Day. I Love My Love in the Morning. Various.
Prevod: Svetilnik Collection. Barbara Frost. Zapri Call In The Tickle.
Prevod: Jack Frost artist. CD. CD sestavljajo Vicki Tucker Courtney. Uspešnost. spremljava CD. Izdala dediščine Music Press.
Prevod: Complete Clawhammer Banjo Knjiga. Jack Broke DA Prison Door. Lady Of The Lake. Paddy On The Railroad. Vmesna.
Prevod: Mammoth Collection Ryan je za violino Tunes. Jack Smith Favorite Roll. Rose Of The Valley Roll. H-'On The Wabash Jig.