Prevod: Kings Delight. Musick je Hand-Maid. Izbori. Rezultati.
Prevod: Kings Marke. Angleško Renaissance Suite. Rezultate in deli.
Prevod: Trobenta 1. Kings Marke. Angleško Renaissance Suite. Rezultate in deli.
Prevod: Pozavna 1. Kings Marke. Angleško Renaissance Suite. Rezultate in deli.
Prevod: Popolna ocena. Kings Marke. Angleško Renaissance Suite. Rezultate in deli.
Prevod: Kings. Rezultati.
Prevod: Smo tri KINGS in CAROL zvonovi. Smo tri KINGS in CAROL zvonovi. Anderson, Gustav.
Prevod: Kings of vzhodu. Kings of vzhodu. Kralji iz vzhoda. Voice note. Zbor note. Organski Spremljava note. Kralji iz vzhoda.
Prevod: March Of The Kings - Francoska Folksong. Zbor note. Urejene po Margaret Vance. Za zborovsko. Zborovska. 8 strani. Г. Ширмер.
Prevod: Battle of Kings Mountain. Battle of Kings Mountain sestavljajo Vicki Tucker Courtney. Vicki Tucker Courtney. Zbor note. Osma.
Prevod: Predigra. od Kings - ACT 1. od Kings - ACT 1. 1 - “1 Now these are the last words of David. instrumentalna. Song 1.
Prevod: Kaj sem storil. od Kings - ACT 2. od Kings - ACT 2. Kralj David. Tenor Voice note. Voice Solo note. Vmesna. Kaj sem storil.
Prevod: Ples prerokih. od Kings - ACT 1. od Kings - ACT 1. “Dance of the Prophets” – Instrumental and Dance.
Prevod: Ga razvaljamo na po avtocesti. od Kings - ACT 2. od Kings - ACT 2. 2 And David said unto all the assembly of Israel.
Prevod: A Little Bit Tu in A Little Bit voljo. od Kings - ACT 1. od Kings - ACT 1. 2 Now the name of his firstborn was Joel.
Prevod: od Kings - ACT 1. od Kings - ACT 1. 45 - “Then said David to the Philistine.
Prevod: od Kings - ACT 2. od Kings - ACT 2. Kralj David in Bathsheba. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Soprano Voice note. Tenor Voice note.
Prevod: V mirovni Jeruzalemu. od Kings - ACT 2. od Kings - ACT 2. Nathan prerok in kralj David. Song 2. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note.