Prevod: Ne bo nobenih solzice Tonight. Ne bo nobenih solzice Nocoj ga Hank Williams in Willie Nelson. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note.
Prevod: E-Z Играть Сегодня. Voice note. Elektronske klaviature note. Klavir note. Big Note. E-Z Играть Сегодня. E-Z Igraj Danes zvezek 44.
Prevod: There Stands the Glass. Hoja po tleh Over You. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Electric Guitar note.
Prevod: 2005-2006 Greatest Hits Država. Jaz ne zanima Loving You danes. Let Them Be Little. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note.
Prevod: Just Plain Willie Willie Nelson. Mammas, ne Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys. Everything But You.
Prevod: Willie Nelson - The Great Divide - Piano Programska oprema. Be There For You. Klavir note. Disk.
Prevod: Laid to Rest. - Nelson Mandela. Vmesna. Laid to Rest sestavljajo Johnson Lee. . 20th Century. Zgodnje Intermediate. Ocena. S0.34113.
Prevod: Če sem Loved You. Once You Lose Your Heart. Till You There Was. , Ki želi You Were Here Nekako spet.
Prevod: Eric Clapton. Since You Said Goodbye. Eric Clapton. Electric Guitar note. Guitar tablature note. Eric Clapton. Za kitaro.
Prevod: Real Book - Zvezek I - šesta izdaja. Magician In You. Be Bop Lives. Nikoli ne bo Drug You. For All We Know.
Prevod: Bock je najboljši - zvezek 4. Be Still in vedeti. Greg Nelson, Phill McHugh. Fred Bock. Piano Solo note. Za klavir.
Prevod: Piano Praise. Nihče ni Like You. Jeff Nelson. You Are My King. I Love You, Lord. You Are My vse v vsem.
Prevod: Mammoth Collection Ryan je za violino Tunes. Nelson je Victory Hornpipe. Je duhovnik You Want. Bučanje Willie jig.
Prevod: Real Book - Zvezek I - Mini Edition. I Love You. Magician In You. Be Bop Lives. Nikoli ne bo Drug You.
Prevod: Real Book - Zvezek I - Mini Edition. Magician In You. Be Bop Lives. For All We Know. I Love You.
Prevod: Marc Nelson. I Want You Know. I Will zaupanje v vas. I Will Change Your Name. I Will Dvignite moje roke.
Prevod: Real Mali Ultimate Jazz Fake Book - C Edition. Be-Bop. Bess, You is My Woman. Be Bop Lives. Born To Be Blue.
Prevod: Real Book - C Edition. I Love You. For All We Know. Half Nelson. Jaz ne morem začeti Get With You.