Prevod: Just Plain Willie Willie Nelson. Mammas, ne Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys. Always on My Mind.
Prevod: I'm Always Here. Nelson Riddle New Naked City in Theme. This Is It. Ne boste Be My Neighbor. Various. Vmesna.
Prevod: Real Book - Zvezek I - šesta izdaja. Half Nelson. Nekateri Day My Prince Will Come. Various. C Instrument note. Klavir note.
Prevod: Real Book - Zvezek I - Mini Edition. Half Nelson. Nekateri Day My Prince Will Come. Various. B-Flat Instrument note.
Prevod: Real Book - Zvezek I - Mini Edition. Half Nelson. Nekateri Day My Prince Will Come. Various. C Instrument note. Klavir note.
Prevod: Fine Art Of balado Igranje - standarde za trobento zvezek 6.
Prevod: Real Mali Ultimate Jazz Fake Book - C Edition. I Will Wait For You. Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow.
Prevod: Real Book - C Edition. Half Nelson. Nekateri Day My Prince Will Come. Various. C Instrument note. Klavir note. Začetek.
Prevod: Real Book - Bb Edition. Be Bop Lives. Half Nelson. Nekateri Day My Prince Will Come. Various. B-Flat Instrument note.
Prevod: Real Book - Eb Edition. Be Bop Lives. Half Nelson. Nekateri Day My Prince Will Come. Various. E-Flat Instrument note.
Prevod: Real Book - Bass Clef Edition. Half Nelson. Nekateri Day My Prince Will Come. Various. Bass Clef Instrument note. Začetek.
Prevod: Ultimate Jazz Fake Book - C Edition. Half Nelson. I Will Wait For You. Let it snow. Let it snow.
Prevod: Ultimate Jazz Fake Book - Eb Edition. Half Nelson. I Will Wait For You. Let it snow. Let it snow.
Prevod: Ultimate Jazz Fake Book - Bb Edition. Half Nelson. I Will Wait For You. Let it snow. Let it snow.
Prevod: Real Book - Zvezek 1. Nekateri Day My Prince Will Come. Various. C Instrument note. Klavir note. Real Book - Zvezek 1. Knjiga.