Prevod: 300 dren Tunes. Paddy Piper. Piper je Lass. My Love Is Like The Red, Red Rose. Gosli note. Violina note. Vmesna.
Prevod: Skupnost Song Book. Galway Piper. Love-Always-Ljubezen. Mitch Miller. Voice note. Zbor note. Vmesna.
Prevod: V Fiddlers Fakebook. Gosli note. Klavir note. Violina note. Začetek. V Fiddlers Fakebook.
Prevod: Mammoth Collection Ryan je za violino Tunes. Love-povezave "Jig. Irec Love Roll. Piper je Lass Roll. Gosli note.
Prevod: Phillips Collection of Traditional ameriški dren Tunes Vol 1. Massa Bill Aka Never Get Your Money Back, Mossy B. Stacy Phillips.
Prevod: Kenny Hall Music Book. Peter Piper. Old Time Music - gosli. Gosli note. Mandolin note. Violina note. Začetek. Kenny Hall Music Book.