Prevod: Zborovska Book. Steven Taylor V.. Zbor note. Začetek. Zborovska Book. uredil Steven V. Taylor. Za SAB zbor.
Prevod: CD Preview Pack. Steven Taylor V.. Zbor note. Začetek. CD Preview Pack. uredil Steven V. Taylor. Za SAB zbor.
Prevod: Čas za Giving. Božji Duh, se spustimo Upon My Heart. Vse Beautiful March Of Days. Cvetni listi Grace. David Sarandon.
Prevod: Sodobni krščanski Hits. Song Of Love. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Kitara note. Vmesna. Sodobni krščanski Hits.
Prevod: Poslušanje CD. Steven Taylor V.. Zbor note. Začetek. Poslušanje CD. uredil Steven V. Taylor. Za SAB zbor.
Prevod: Cape Breton Fiddlers Collection. Grace MacKenzie. Keeper of Delight. Land of Sweet Erin. Miss Stewart Of Garth.
Prevod: Christian Božič Songbook. Vse je dobro, Breath of Heaven. First Day Of The Son. Breath Of Heaven. Various. Voice note.
Prevod: Sacred Marimbist,, zvezek 2. Žrtvovanje na "Amazing Grace". Nathan Daughtrey. Marimba note. Tolkala note. Napredno. Za Marimba.
Prevod: Point of Reckoning sestavljajo David Gillingham. Point of Reckoning je naročil Hazel Cheilek, dirigent.
Prevod: WOW Hvalnice. Rock of Ages. Rock of Ages. Grace večji od našega Sin. Bodite My Life in Let It Be. Various.
Prevod: Popoln način za Modern Guitar. A Little Bit Of Hanon. Breathe On Me, Breath Of God. My Heart Na Thy Sweet Voice.
Prevod: You Are My vse v vsem. Touch Of The magistrski roki. Power Of Your Love. Arms of Love. Be Still My Soul.
Prevod: Split Track Spremljava CD. Steven Taylor V.. Zbor note. Začetek. Split Track Spremljava CD. uredil Steven V. Taylor. Za SAB zbor.