Prevod: Samo Closer Walk with Thee. Piano I in II s 1-3 ostrim Chorus delov. Tradicionalni. Piano Solo note. Vmesna. Uredil Deborah Johnson.
Prevod: Tam boste. Sheet Music Elvis Presley. I am tired and weary, but I must toil on. Mir v dolini. Me. Warner Bros.
Prevod: Elvis Elvis Presley. Ne Be Cruel. Ne Be Cruel. G.I. Blues. I Gotta Know. I Was One.
Prevod: E-Z Играть Сегодня. 34 inspirativno pesmi Presley zabeleži, skupaj z uvodom in fotografije. I Believe In The Man in the Sky.
Prevod: Songs of Inspiration Elvis Presley. 34 inspirativno pesmi Presley zabeleži, skupaj z uvodom in fotografije. Voice note.
Prevod: Anthology - Easy Guitar Elvis Presley. 65. Elvis klasika za enostavno kitaro, vključno. Ne Be Cruel.
Prevod: Božič Standardi. Voice note. Božič Standardi. Pro Vocal Moška Edition zvezek 5. Z različnimi. Za vokalni. Pro Vocal. Igrajo skupaj, Karaoke.
Prevod: E-Z Играть Сегодня. Ne Be Cruel. I Believe. I Got a Woman. I Need Your Love Tonight. Let It Be Me.
Prevod: Elvis - Ultimate Gospel Elvis Presley. I Believe In The Man in the Sky. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note.
Prevod: Za 50 Greatest Love Songs. Za 50 Greatest Love Songs Elvis Presley. In I Love You So. I Was One.
Prevod: Elvis Božič. Elvis Božič Elvis Presley. There Will Be Peace in the Valley For Me. Voice note.
Prevod: Basi Loaded - zvezek 2. V slogu Bill Black - v slogu "Blue Suede Shoes", ki ga je Elvis Presley proti zgodnjega Rock Bass.
Prevod: It Wouldn't Be the Same. I Got A Feelin 'v mojem telesu. I Got a Woman. It Wouldn't Be The Same.
Prevod: Ultimate Song Strani. Ne Let Me Be napačno razumljen. Hallelujah I Love Her So. Here I Go Again. I Got Name.
Prevod: Various. Voice note. Klavir note. Men of Christmas - Original Keys for Singers by Various. Za vokalni. Piano Vocal. Mehko prekrivalo.
Prevod: Elvis Fake Book. Elvis Fake Book ga sestavljajo Elvis Presley. Ne Be Cruel. G.I. Blues.
Prevod: Elvis Presley Anthology - Zvezek 1. Elvis Presley Anthology - Volume 1 Elvis Presley.