Prevod: 1970 - Desetletje, ki jih desetletja. Bruce Springsteen. The Kinks. Take Me Home, Country Roads.
Prevod: Bruce Springsteen - skladanje Secrets. posnemati zvok akordi Springsteen je. Knjiga. Mehko prekrivalo. 128 strani.
Prevod: Ultimate Song Strani. Bruce Hornsby. Bruce Springsteen. The Doobie Brothers. The Eagles.
Prevod: Great Gig in the Sky. The Doobie Brothers. The Rolling Stones. The Rolling Stones. Blinded By the Light.
Prevod: Pop. Just the Way You Are. Bruce Springsteen. Just The Way You Are. Various.
Prevod: 2000-2009 Best Pop in Film Hits. od The Aviator. od The Polar Express. od The O C. Celebrate Me Home.
Prevod: Devils. Alfred je zadovoljen, da predstavi ujemanje Folio v album Devils Bruce Springsteen. The Devils. Voice note.
Prevod: Bruce Springsteen - skladanje Secrets. Knjiga.
Prevod: Guitar Collection - Rock in Pop Hits. All About That Bass. Ed Sheeran, from The Hobbit. Just the Way You Are.
Prevod: Ste že kdaj videli the Rain. The Times Oni so-spreminjaj. All Along the Watchtower. Bad To The Bone.