Prevod: Mr Tambourine Man. Nights in white satin. Piano Solo note. Bach 'n' Roll sestavljajo Various. Za klavir. Tipkovnica.
Prevod: Med godala-The Secret Lives kitar. Kitara note. Med godala-The Secret Lives kitar. 100 Zgodbe o življenju s kitaro. Za kitaro. Vse.
Prevod: Mr Blue. Nights in white satin. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Kitara note. Za klavir. Vocal. Kitara.
Prevod: Black and White. Mr Tambourine Man. Elektronske klaviature note. Klavir note. E-Z Igraj Danes zvezek 341. Za orgle, klavir.
Prevod: Rise Up Petje. Black and White. Mr Bojangles. White Collar Holler. White Sands in siva Sands. Various.
Prevod: Complete Guitar Player Songbook Omnibus Edition. Mr Bojangles. Nights in white satin. Kitara note. Klavir note. Začetek.
Prevod: Mr Wonderful. Ya Got Trouble. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Kitara note. Za klavir. Vocal. Kitara.
Prevod: Black and White. Mr Tambourine Man. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Kitara note. Za klavir. Vocal. Kitara.
Prevod: Rise Up Petje - Skupina Petje Songbook. Black and White. Mr Bojangles. White Collar Holler. Various. Voice note.
Prevod: Mr Engineer. Short Life Of Trouble. Akustična kitara note. Banjo note. Easy Guitar note. Guitar tablature note. Klavir note.
Prevod: Easy Piano White Pages z različnimi. Nights in white satin. Easy Piano note. Za klavir. Tipkovnica. Easy Piano Songbook.
Prevod: Kavarna Companion. Mr Bojangles. C Instrument note. Klavir note. Kavarna Companion. Best Blend novejše. Sestavljajo ga Various.
Prevod: Kavarna Companion. Mr Bojangles. C Instrument note. Klavir note. Kavarna Companion. Sestavljajo ga Various.
Prevod: Real Vocal Book - Zvezek III. Mr Wonderful. Voice note. Klavir note. Real Vocal Book - Zvezek III. Visoko Voice. Za vokalni.
Prevod: Real Vocal Book - Zvezek III. Mr Wonderful. Voice note. Klavir note. Real Vocal Book - Zvezek III. Nizka Voice. Za vokalni.
Prevod: Dear Mr Fantasy. Mr Tambourine Man. C Instrument note. Klavir note. C Edition. Sestavljajo ga Various. Za Melody. Lyrics.
Prevod: Real Mali Ultimate Fake Book - 3rd Edition. Malo White Lies. Nights in white satin. The White Cliffs of Dover. Various.
Prevod: Standardi Real Book - C Edition. Various. Voice note. C Instrument note. Klavir note. Začetek. Uredil Chuck Sher. Za instrument C in glasu.