Prevod: Blest so čisti v srcu. Snemalnik note. Saksofon note. Začetek. Blest so čisti v srcu, ki ga sestavljajo Melody, König. harmonija, Havergal.
Prevod: Južnoafriški himne Nkosi Sikelel 'i Afrika. Začetek. Uredil Alan Edgar. Za orkester. Sveto, Svetovna. Easy. Začetnik.
Prevod: Snemalnik note. Začetek. Uredil Alan Edgar. Za saksofon, snemalnik, orkester, Koncert Band, Marching Band. Sacred. Easy. Začetnik.
Prevod: 1960. Odhodom na Jet Plane. Puff The Magic Dragon. All Alone Am I. In I Love Her. One Fine Day.
Prevod: Spirit. Vokalna Songbook. Vse Ends of the Earth. I Am Blest. I Am Yours. I Love You, Lord.
Prevod: Država. I Am Loved. I Go To The Rock. I Just Keep Zaupanje moj Lord. Walking In The Sunshine.
Prevod: 3-klepeta Worship pesmi za kitaro. Lord I Lift Your Name na visoki. You Are My King. You Are My King. Various.
Prevod: Crimson in Clover. We Got Beat. The Sweetest Days. One Sweet Day. The Tracks of My Tears.
Prevod: 371 Harmonizirani Chorales in 69 koralno Melodije W. Najdražji Jezus, We Are Here. Z mirom in radostjo I potovanju tja.
Prevod: Lyric Knjižnica - Broadway zvezek I. Lyric Knjižnica - Broadway zvezek I. Bali Ha'i. I Dreamed a Dream.
Prevod: Lyric knjižnica. V Air Tonight. The Way We Were. I Never Knew ljubezni. Closer I Get To You.
Prevod: Top 100 Praise. I Give You My Heart. Famous One. Beautiful One. I Want You Know. You vedoč.
Prevod: Vse je dobro. O Odrešenika našega Fallen Race. David Angerman. Zbor note. All Is Well composed by David Angerman and Michael Barrett.
Prevod: Love Songs Knjiga. Closer I Get To You. First Time Ever I Saw tvoj obraz. I Love You. I Will Wait For You.
Prevod: I Wish I Knew Kako bi se počutili, da so brez. Flower To Shattered The Stone. Harder They Fall.
Prevod: Ponovno Upanje The Beatles. Ponovno si predstavlja Beatles, ki jih David Lanz in The Beatles. Ker sem Only Sleeping.
Prevod: iWorship Chord Slika Edition CD-ROM. All Hail The Power Of Jesus Ime. You vedoč. Famous One. Here I Am častiti.
Prevod: Eterična Love Songs. Can You Feel The Love Tonight. I Will Remember You. In I Love Her. Baby, I Love Your Way.