Prevod: Bolj pripravljeni na peti. Bring Your plovila, ki ne Few. Waiting On The Gospodu. Saved by the Blood.
Prevod: Hvalnice. Faith Of Our Fathers. Rock Of Ages. Bog z vami Till We Meet Again. Breathe On Me, Breath Of God.
Prevod: Bolj pripravljeni na peti. Bring Your plovila, ki ne Few. Waiting On The Gospodu. Saved by the Blood. Zborovska Book.
Prevod: A Rockin 'Royal Božič. Višje Calling v visokem King. A Rockin 'Royal Christmas with the King. Knjiga. Zbor note.
Prevod: Story - The Musical. Story - The Musical. Zapovedi-King David. zborovsko ocena. David Hamilton. Vmesna.
Prevod: Great Gospel - Pesmi in psalmi. - America - America The Beautiful - Are You Oprana v krvi. A Better Life.
Prevod: Velika Hvalnice vere. - Amazing Grace - America The Beautiful - Ancient dni - in lahko sem se, da sem ramen Gain.
Prevod: Pohvale. - Amens - America The Beautiful - In to je lahko. Naša Sacrifice Of Praise. Jezus Very Thought Of Thee.
Prevod: Hvalnice za družino Boga. Kako Sweet Sound - Amen - America, The Beautiful - America, dediščina - in je mogoče, da bi jaz Gain.
Prevod: A Rockin 'Royal Božič. Višje Calling v visokem King. A Rockin 'Royal Christmas with the King. CD Preview Pack. Vmesna.
Prevod: 100 Gospel favoriti za kitaro. Nothing But the Blood. Jaz sem Child Of The King. Sea Of Glass.
Prevod: Praznujte z njegovim imenom. in "King of Kings" vključuje modrecev in kongregacijo pri bogoslužju. - SATB Ocena.
Prevod: Wonder of It All. Wonder Of It All. Last Night I Dreamed Of Heaven. Lepa Isle Of Somewhere. The River.
Prevod: Hvalnice. Bog z vami Till We Meet Again. Nothing But the Blood. A Child Of The King.
Prevod: Verske Priljubljene. Faith of Our Fathers. Sun of My Soul. Jezus, Lover of My Soul. Rock Of Ages.