Prevod: Unless Byrd had access to pre-publication copies of the Primer. to this writer.
Prevod: Enotni chant "Dixit Dominus". Organ ali cappella. Sveto, anglikanski chant. SATB. Prilagoditev Satie je Dixit Dominus, s svojimi Masa Poor.
Prevod: Eventually I thought “Hang on, this is supposed to. The piece is written for three parts for two reasons. Secondly, to.
Prevod: V slabi Midwinter. The carol was first published in the English Hymnal in 1906 and quickly became a favorite among congregations.
Prevod: Kdaj Notes Go Skipping. Klavir note. Začetek. Kdaj Notes Go Skipping. Mid-osnovni ravni. Za klavir. Tipkovnica. Willis. Mid-osnovno.
Prevod: Predigra. 1 - “1 Now these are the last words of David. instrumentalna. od Kings - ACT 1. Song 1. Piano Solo note. Vmesna. Predigra.
Prevod: A Little Bit Tu in A Little Bit voljo. 1-3 - “And it came to pass, when Samuel was old, that he made his sons judges over Israel.
Prevod: Pour me še ena. 12-13 - “And David said to Uriah. ‘Tarry here to-day also, and to-morrow I will let thee depart.
Prevod: Obstajali sta dve moški. - “And Yahweh sent Nathan to David. ‘There were two men in one city.
Prevod: Iz plemenitih mesta.
Prevod: Te Deum v C-duru. To Te Deum je, po mojem mnenju, najboljši od teh liturgičnih nastavitve. Benjamin Britten. Voice note. Zbor note.
Prevod: To delo ima tudi svoje "temne" trenutke, ampak na splošno razpoloženje je eden od umirjenosti in miru. To menjavanje F-duru.
Prevod: Slow nedelja. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Bariton Voice note. Soprano Voice note. Vmesna. Slow nedelja sestavljajo John Christopher Yount.
Prevod: a melancholy andante in f minor, with variations, as only a genius can do them, that almost sounds like a free fantasia. Hob. XVII.
Prevod: Samo za dva, Book 2. Last Dance. Last Dance. Piano Solo note. Vmesna. Samo za dva, Book 2. Sestavljena iz Dennis Alexander.
Prevod: Great Gospel - Pesmi in psalmi. On šepeta Sweet Peace To Me. I Just Feel Like Something Good Is About To Happen.
Prevod: Simfonija št 6. To je redka priložnost, da bi skladatelj 21. stoletja prejeli provizijo napisati glasbeno delo takšnega obsega. 2004.