Prevod: Hvalnice. Pridite, hvaležen People, Come. Kruh Of The World. Kaj Wondrous Love Is To. Delo, za noč Is Coming.
Prevod: Bo zgraditi Mountain. I Got The Sun v dopoldanskem času. Last Night Of The World. Lost In The Stars. Various.
Prevod: Spirit. Vse Ends of the Earth. Iskal sem The Lord. V Ends of the Earth. Vse Ends of the Earth. Voice note.
Prevod: Zakladnica Himne in duhovnih. All Hail The Power Of Jezusovem imenu. All Night, All Day. Ev'ry čas I Feel The Spirit.
Prevod: Приключения Орган. Sem Soldier Of The Cross. Kristus Gospod je Risen Today. Pridite, hvaležen People, Come. Bill Irwin.
Prevod: Velika Hvalnice vere. - Amazing Grace - America The Beautiful - Ancient dni - in lahko sem se, da sem ramen Gain.
Prevod: Pohvale. - Amens - America The Beautiful - In to je lahko. Great Is Thy Zvestoba. Pridite, hvaležen People.
Prevod: Hvalnice za družino Boga. Kako Sweet Sound - Amen - America, The Beautiful - America, dediščina - in je mogoče, da bi jaz Gain.
Prevod: Best of Gospel pesmarica. Vsak Promise v knjigi Is Mine. Božji zbor In The Sky. Jesus Is Coming enkrat.
Prevod: Verske Priljubljene. All Hail The Power Of Jezusovem imenu. Delo, za noč Is Coming. Pridite, hvaležen People, Come.
Prevod: Lyric Knjižnica - Broadway zvezek I. Climb Ev'ry Mountain. Climb Ev'ry Mountain. How High The Moon. Various.
Prevod: Lyric knjižnica. Last Night of the World. The Sound of Music. Ace In The Hole. Alone At The Drive-In Movie.
Prevod: Little Black Songbook ameriških priljubljene. Banks Of The Ohio. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie. Hail To The Chief.
Prevod: Več kot 130 priljubljenih inspirativno in verske pesmi, vključno z One Day At A Time, Naj bo mir na Zemlji, Ostani z mano in več.
Prevod: Več pesmi Best Broadway Ever. Phantom of the Opera. Standing on the Corner. Phantom Of The Opera. Various.